Dr.Charles Edward Morgan Thame

Dr.Charles Edward Morgan Thame
Position: Assistant Professor
Tel: 02-613-2391
Email: [email protected]


Charlie is an Assistant Professor in International Relations. He teaches international relations and political economy with a focus on mainland Southeast Asia. Based in the region since 2011, he has conducted extensive research on migration, human rights, and regional integration, with a focus on special economic zones and economic corridors. He served as a social sciences tutor for civil society leaders from Myanmar pursuing degrees with Australian universities from 2012 to 2018 and has worked on various research projects with The Asia Foundation, Focus on the Global South, Save the Children, the International Labour Organisation, World Vision, Johns Hopkins University, the Mekong Institute, Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Thailand Research Fund, and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Academic background:

PhD International Politics, Aberystwyth University (2013)
MscEcon Critical Security Studies, Aberystwyth University (2008)
MscEcon International Relations Theory, Aberystwyth University (2007)
BA Politics / Philosophy, Cardiff University (2006)

Research interests:

International relations theory
Critical theory & Political philosophy
Political economy
Southeast Asia
Migration and human rights

Recent Publication:

Charlie Thame, 2020, “State Transformation and Uneven Development Across Southeast Asia’s Cross-Border Special Economic Zones” Journal of Political Science Review (Ratthasat Nithet) Vol. 6 Issue 1, pp.29- 67 https://bit.ly/3f7yKer

Thame, Charlie. 2019. “Human Rights, Business, and the Reliance on Elusive State Champions.” In Navigating a New Era of Business and Human Rights, edited by Mullen, Daniel Polomski, Teresa Soares, Joana Cassinerio, Michelle DCruz, and Vanessa Hongsathavij, 73–77, Bangkok: Article 30 – Mahidol University IHRPS. https://bit.ly/38xsWIA

Thame, Charlie 2019. “The Corridors Paradigm as Extractivism” International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 30th June.

Thame, Charlie. 2019. March. OOSC Policy Briefing: No Child Should Be Discriminated Against Because of Where He or She Is From, Bangkok: Save the Children Thailand
https://www.academia.edu/38681685/OOSC_Policy_Briefing_No_Child_Should_be_Discriminated_Aga inst_Because_of_Where_He_or_She_is_From

Thame, Charlie. 2018. Joint Study and Survey of Special Economic Zones and Cross Border Economic Zones Khon Kaen: Mekong Institute. https://bit.ly/2FVY1s1